Ultimate Guide to Collaborative Work Management
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Collaboration management has always been a cornerstone of productivity in business. The term refers to the interaction of employees, ease of communication, and sharing of resources.
Yet, teamwork has slid to the bottom of many businesses’ agendas in the wake of the pandemic. Employees ejected from the office no longer have a central hub. As a result, collaboration seems harder to implement successfully. This raises an important question: How do you bring together a workplace fractured by the rise of remote work?
Collaborative work management (CWM) could well be the answer. But first, you need to acknowledge the importance of collaboration.
75% of working professionals believe that team collaboration tool use will increase. It’s important to recognize that top talent may prefer companies that champion collaborative software.
There’s also been a seismic shift in power from the organization to the talent. Your company dynamic needs to reflect this change. To secure and retain top talent, consider implementing Agile practices. Collaboration is seen as an integral part of any Agile organization. Agile enterprises are companies that leverage collaborative tools to speed up onboarding and streamline operations.
It isn’t only employees that should embrace CWM measures. 54% of people say that collaborative leadership will become more important for talent development. This statistic suggests that collaboration and talent retention are intertwined.
It’s also implied that you should integrate CWM at all levels of your business to reap the rewards. Create enterprise collaborative work management principles that employees can thrive under, and you'll anchor top talent.
In the current climate, commitment to traditional principles could prove catastrophic. Consumer demand and employee concerns have become central, with mounting evidence for the benefits of running an Agile enterprise adding fuel to the fire.
A recent report from McKinsey and Company highlights the upsides of Agile work. Companies with collaboration-based work environments noted improvements across several key sectors. Under Agile leadership, financial performance, productivity levels, and employee engagement all improved.
Collaborative work management — the shared oversight and completion of tasks — is vital for any business aspiring to keep up in a fast-moving market. This guide will cover collaboration in business, how it can help you transform your work culture, and the benefits it can bring.
What's in the Collaborative Work Management Guide?
What Is Collaborative Work?
The best route to success
What Is an Enterprise Collaboration System?
Large-scale collaboration
Introduction to Collaborative Teamwork
Building effective teams
Collaborative Work Skills
The critical elements of collaboration
Best Work Collaboration Tools & Software
The most helpful apps and platforms
Benefits of Collaboration in the Workplace
Why teamwork is vital
Challenges of Collaborative Working
Stumbling blocks you might meet
Tips for Successful Collaboration in the Workplace
Everything to know to collaborate well
Effective Collaboration Strategies
Guide your teams' collaborative work
What Is Cross-Functional Collaboration?
The combined effort of various teams
Your collaborative work questions, answered
Collaborative work terms, explained